A Whole New Brawl Game

It all began in 1986….

Games Workshop released a Warhammer spinoff game called Blood Bowl.

Blood Bowl was a simple affair. Paper tokens, recycled mechanics from Warhammer and popular sports board games of the time.

Fast forward 34 years and there are full first and third party model lines for many different teams. A league system that roles in RPG elements also exists for long term gaming.

Ok guys, enough dancing, get on the field.

I’ve known about this game for years, but only recently gave it a try. Now it is a frequent game night event. It is one of those games that can have a very deep strategy, but it is very approachable. Like my article on Scythe, I’m gonna have to add this one to the growing pile of games I wish I had tried sooner.

On the left we have the classic run all over the field and cover everybody maneuver.
On the right we have the revolutionary war maneuver.

Blood Bowl can be a blast, and I highly recommend it with one caution: Some of the content that has crept into the game over the last 3 decades can be a little dark, so discretion is advised with younger players. This content can be easily left out.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go toss the old pigskin around with some green skins.

Orc: You want a piece of me puny dwarf?!
Dwarf: I’d like you in several actually.

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